Παρασκευή 12 Ιουνίου 2009

Αστεία ορχεκτομής παρτ V
Orchidectomy jokes meros V

Όχι, δεν τελειώσαμε με αυτά. Υπάρχουν αρκετά ακόμα. Δεν τα έβαλα όλα μαζί για να μη σάς πέσουν βαριά. Όσοι δεν έχετε δει τα προηγούμενα, μπορείτε να δείτε στην σχετική ετικέτα όσα έχουν προηγηθεί! Εδώ, κάτω από το κείμενο!

No, we're not done with those. There are still plenty. I didn't post them all together so that they won't be too much on you. Those of you who haven't seen the previous ones, you can see them at the relative label. Here, under this text!

Translation: The guy on the left says "Do you know where I write you?" That's a common man expression (sometimes used by women, in a surrealistic manner) which means "I don't care about -the person or object that is written on someone's balls-." Of course, the guy on the right answers "I know, I know, on your ball". And the caption can be translated to "Indeed, the joke had begun to get old". See you in two days.

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