Ελαφρώς καθυστερημένο σχόλιο πάνω στη γνωστή υπόθεση που για άλλη μία φορά εξέθεσε μεγάλες ποσότητες ομιλούντος κρέατος, όπως οι άχρηστοι πολιτικοί και οι αηδιαστικοί δημοσιογράφοι.
For non-greek speakers:
Recently, a well-known prisoner escaped from the Korydallos prison in the same way he used to escape the first time he did. With a helicopter. Of course, this exposed the extreme incompetence of the government (any government that has abused this area) which they're now trying to cover with meaningful statements and ridiculous cliches. And that's the story about today's comic. The journalist, seeing himself as judge, asks the minister about the government's intentions on the new escape. And the minister answers that they'll deal with it using cliches, announcing measures that will mean nothing, creating a -false- impression about them working on it and, of course, they are counting on the help of the Media of Mass Control to acheive their goals. As always.