Ορχεκτομή: Η χειρουργική αφαίρεση ενός ή και των δύο όρχεων. Συνήθως γίνεται σε περιπτώσεις καρκίνου ή ατυχήματος.
Orchidectomy: The surgical removal of one or both testicles. Usually performed in cases of cancer or an accident. (The "you'll take my balls" expression is very common -as well as rude, of course- in Greece. It means "No".)
Orchidectomy: The surgical removal of one or both testicles. Usually performed in cases of cancer or an accident. (The "you'll take my balls" expression is very common -as well as rude, of course- in Greece. It means "No".)
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